Shock Mounts Finished
I got to check out Kurt's latest work on the Nova this weekend, and he's made some good progress. Shock mounts are now in, and the anti-roll bar is mounted. I think it looks hell for stout, and that's a good thing. I've been surprised before at the forces the shocks and anti-roll see on these cars, it's more than you would think. The new shock mount has some gussets in it to reduce deflection - I think it'll be plenty stout. Kurt also got the electrical shutoff tab welded up - it's really starting to look like a race car again!
In the interior, the door x-bars are now in, just some more gussets from the forward bar to the vertical pillar bar under the dash yet to add and the door area will be done. Still quite a few things left to do, gusset here, mount there, J-bars to the front end, etc. but you can tell it's starting to get a lot closer!
In other news, I got my heads and intake back from Pro-Filer last week. Darin Morgan fixed some port alignment issues and did his top secret super duper valve job on them. Also freshened up the springs, retainers, locks, etc. so we're good to go now on the induction system. Flow numbers are top secret, even I don't know them!
Last week I got the fiberglass trunk lid in finally. The first one got ran over with a fork lift in shipping, and Advantage Fiberglass had to send me another one. 2nd time was a charm as it showed up in good shape. It did have one minor crack in an edge, but I think "if" it is an issue it'll be easy to fix. The fiberglass trunk lid weighed right at 10.0 lbs without paint. Old trunk lid, hinges and brackets weight 52 lbs, so we should net about a 40 lb weight savings after paint and Zeus fasteners brackets. Not too shabby!