Last night I found out for sure that my plan to move the dry sump tank behind the LF tire was actually going to work for sure. I removed the air boxes from the outside of the firewall and fabbed up a mount for the Dry Sump Tank, test fitted an old fender and yahoo! Everything clears!
It's not a big deal, but it got that weight approximately 4' further to the back of the car and that should help a little bit. Since switching to the new Dart block, the Nova has had a lot more weight on the nose than it needs, so I've been working on weight reduction and moving what weight I can. Lot of work, but every little bit helps. Oh, the removal of the air boxes was worth approximately 9+ lbs. Not a lot, but combined with the 13 lbs off the fenders and we're getting someplace.
I'm almost all done filling holes on the firewall, as you can see the windshield wiper motor hole is filled, throttle cable, clutch pedal and wiring holes are now blocked off. Should look real nice once it's all painted. I've got a few more things to do, like adding some downbars from the cage to the front clip (another reason to move that tank so I could do that), but I'm slowly making some progress.